create alias butt_fangs -> gluteal_fold
Link to aliasSeem to be synonyms.EDIT: see forum #107340
Posted under Tags
create alias butt_fangs -> gluteal_fold
Link to aliasSeem to be synonyms.EDIT: see forum #107340
I don't think "gluteal fold" is a good name for this tag. If you google image search it it's all images of the crease formed below the buttocks viewed from behind.
Whereas this tag is being used for when the buttocks are visible through the character's thighs viewed from the front.
Also, even if "gluteal fold" is correct it's not the most intuitive name.
I suggest aliasing both tags to ass_visible_from_front so it's more descriptive.
While more descriptive, I think it's also harder to find. Shorter established term with ass_visible_from_front as an alias sounds good for me, though I think it's subjective.
Maybe then:
ass_fangs as a basic tag (since danbooru uses ass tag as a basic one)
butt_fangs, gluteal_fold and ass_visible_from_front as aliases
Nya-chan said:
While more descriptive, I think it's also harder to find.
How so? If anyone knows this concept as butt_fangs/gluteal_fold, then the alias autocomplete will show up when they type either of those.
ass_fangs/butt_fangs seem to be obscure as far as being the established terms for this. Google image searching them gets more pictures of tarantulas than of asses visible through thigh gaps. Urban dictionary has an entry for it, though only 16 votes.
I am not really sure, your proposed tag sounds... dunno, not really descriptive? Your tag could theoretically describe or and others.
The problem with this tag is, I guess, that everyone knows what it means or how it looks like, but there's not really an established name and the usual way is to go around it and describe it: "When you can see a part of an ass through legs / thighs".
At least ass visible from front is somewhat intuitive, in the sense that someone could see the tag for the first time and have a reasonable chance of guessing what it means. I don't see how anyone can tell what ass fangs is supposed to mean from the name alone. It sounds more like some sort of grade-school joke than a descriptive term for a body part.
For the record, the reason I suggested ass_visible_from_front is because that's the literal translation of the pixiv tag for it, which is reasonably established with over 5000 images.
If it's too ambiguous, what about just ass_visible_through_thighs / ass_visible_through_legs?
Toks said:
If it's too ambiguous, what about just ass_visible_through_thighs / ass_visible_through_legs?
Was thinking something similar as alternatives, as I didn't really like ass_visible_from_front. Could also swap visible with peek or peeking, so like ass_peek_through_thighs or ass_peeking_between_thighs.
create alias ass_fangs -> ass_visible_through_thighs
create alias butt_fangs -> ass_visible_through_thighs
create alias gluteal_fold -> ass_visible_through_thighs
The tag alias gluteal_fold -> ass_visible_through_thighs has conflicting wiki pages. ass_visible_through_thighs should be updated to include information from gluteal_fold if necessary.