
ToS Discussion Thread

Posted under General

tapnek said:

And just the spoilers tag. The rest, they're gonna have to make an account for.

Is that even necessary? Danbooru needs incentive for gold+ users and contributors, I don't see any real need to force users to create accounts. Rendering previously available things inaccessible is bad taste.

It's just three tags that barely have over 3000 posts combined, which is less than the shota tag itself. It's not gonna make that much of a difference. Also, the stuff was supposed to be banned before.

tapnek said:

It's just three tags that barely have over 3000 posts combined, which is less than the shota tag itself. It's not gonna make that much of a difference. Also, the stuff was supposed to be banned before.

None of that makes sense as an argument in favor of making the default blacklist mandatory for anons. It would be an annoyance to some users, indifferent to the rest and wouldn't help the site at all. Unless I'm missing something here.

The default blacklist was an idea made to appease those who don't want to see the content that was previously banned before. I was opposed to having any kind of scat on this site but now that we're allowing the more grotesque stuff now as long as its on-topic now, an idea like this would be nice.

But now that you say that, why have it at all?


tapnek said:

The default blacklist was an idea made to appease those who don't want to see the content that was previously banned before. I was opposed to having any kind of scat on this site but now that we're allowing the more grotesque stuff now as long as its on-topic now, an idea like this would be nice.

But now that you say that, why have it at all?

So that people that don't want to see stuff don't see it because of the default blacklist, while people that are fine with seeing it can still see it.

There's was also a time where you had to be invited by those who already were to view Explicit images and you could only give out a number of invites at a time.

Anyway, my stance is that I'm going with default blacklists and requiring to make a free account to view only a few couple thousand images is not much to fret about. I'm still against blacklisting the spoilers tag if there isn't a feature to turn only that specific tag off. The other three will still require a free account since they're restricted content.

I'm not sure if this is the place to talk about it, but in the new site rules under the prohibited content, it says that:

Photographs of cosplayers, figures, or prominent figures in the industry are acceptable.

So it's allowed now?

EDIT: accidental edit, nothing is changed but this addition

Updated by Shinjidude

I noticed that the ToS still prohibits manga/doujinshi:

Manga: Uploading entire manga or doujinshi chapters is discouraged. Individual pages can be uploaded if they meet the quality criterion.

Does this apply only to scans, or also to chapters that have been uploaded to Pixiv? The latter are pretty common uploads here, and if they have a different status, I think it should be specified.

tapnek said:

Maybe I should have edited the ToS to reflect on that, but I was already thinking of making that wiki page on what's on-topic and what's not. Just need a good title.

How about about:on-topic?

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