
Improving moderation process

Posted under Bugs & Features

If the rejection feature gets implemented, I suggest considering giving posts that haven't been approved or rejected an extra chance at the queue after 3 days are up. It's not gonna make the queue any easier to deal with, but it will ensure less posts fall through the cracks. These posts should obviously be moved to the front of the queue rather than getting piled on at the bottom. Approvers who use the hide function won't be seeing it again, so it wouldn't bother them.

I also suggest keeping rejections separate from downvotes. There are cases where a picture might have a few flaws and an approver might want to point them out, but it's borderline enough not to warrant the downvote. It would also give more influence to the score metric when an image really doesn't belong.

I like the watch idea.

FYI, some ideas from this topic are currently being implemented. There are are three disapproval buttons now - one for when post breaks rules, one for bad quality, one for lack of interest. The former two will also be counted as downvotes.

albert said:

No reject button or automated rejection process (yet). Let me know if anyone thinks we need more default reasons.

How about one for third party modifications? e.g. cropped/upscaled/downscaled/watermarked. Could be useful as a warning from approver to approver so that someone doesn't accidentally approve one of these without realizing that it's not the original.

We already have tags for these but they don't stand out in the big list of general tags so they can be overlooked.

How about adding approver comments, after all? Most common disapproval reasons are predefined, but approvers should have a possibility to warn others if they see something wrong in the image. Furthermore, they should have a possibility to just leave a comment or leave a comment AND disapprove for "other" reason.


Type-kun said:

How about adding approver comments, after all? Most common disapproval reasons are predefined, but approvers should have a possibility to warn others if they see something wrong in the image. Furthermore, they should have a possibility to just leave a comment or leave a comment AND disapprove for "other" reason.

Yeah, that could be useful for things like messed up anatomy, mentioning specifically where the anatomy is messed up. Can't cover everything with default reasons without being vague.

I hate every aspect of this new queue, personally. I could get through half the queue in 10 minutes previously, now seeing 7+ pages of posts just means I'm not going to bother moderating. Also the inability to mark an entire page as not interested means there's literally no reason to use the queue now.

Log said:
I could get through half the queue in 10 minutes previously, now seeing 7+ pages of posts just means I'm not going to bother moderating.

Boo hoo. Then don't moderate if being more diligent hurts your feelings. And being more diligent over 25/page is SIGNIFICANTLY easier than over 100/page, where you could as well screw yourself over with an unfortunate click of a middle mouse button.

Log said:
Also the inability to mark an entire page as not interested means there's literally no reason to use the queue now.

I agree on this one, but again, with four times smaller result pages, it's more manageable. However, getting to a mod queue page full of comic posts would be quite an unpleasant happening without the nifty button.

Going to agree with Log over the reduction of posts per page. I'd prefer if we could customize the number of posts per page, as my preference is more posts per page. To me the current number is way too small. As someone who simply just starts from the top and goes straight down, the paging of the list is essentially worthless to me and the quantity of posts per page was always much more meaningful to me.

Wypatroszony said:

Boo hoo. Then don't moderate if being more diligent hurts your feelings. And being more diligent over 25/page is SIGNIFICANTLY easier than over 100/page,

I look at EVERY SINGLE image in the queue so I fail to see how this is going to make me "more diligent" but thanks for assuming that I'm a shitty moderator because I don't moderate the way you want me to!

where you could as well screw yourself over with an unfortunate click of a middle mouse button.

I don't know what this is even supposed to mean, middle-clicking the approve button does nothing.


Setting the number of posts per page was suggested one page back by ShadowbladeEdge (forum #106485). Letting approvers customize other parts of the Mod Queue to their own individual preferences in a similar fashion would be good steps in improving general usability.

As for other parts of new Mod Queue, the 3 new Disapprovals (Breaks Rules, Poor Quality, No Interest) can help with disclosure on why posts aren't approved. Still, the lack of a Hide All button makes it a bit of a drag to click No Interest several times to hide a copyright or a set of comics that you don't really care for.

z905844 said:

I would like to see a list of people who did the [no interest] and other related links just for reference.

I just went through my nightly check of the queue and it was showing this information (how many times it was hidden and the reason for it) now. This is easily my favorite part of the change so far.

The low amount of posts that show up per page now is rather annoying, and the lack of a Hide All button for when there's a large bulk of posts (such as a comic series like was mentioned) makes the entire process take significantly more time than it used to. But if those two issues are fixed then I think this will be a decided improvement over the old queue system.

For the hide all button it would only have to be for lack of interest. Nobody should be marking 25 posts at once for bad art or rule breaking.

I feel like a compromise, if only temporary, for the number of posts per page could be a link at the bottom of the page that opens that entire page worth of posts in new tabs (I say bottom because I presume the hide all link would be at the top again and to make it harder to open 25 new tabs at once with one click.)

Log said:

I look at EVERY SINGLE image in the queue so I fail to see how this is going to make me "more diligent" but thanks for assuming that I'm a shitty moderator because I don't moderate the way you want me to!

Do feel free to not leave the impression like you are 'a shitty moderator' next time then. Getting all 'I don't even bother' only because you have to press a page button four times more often certainly makes you sound like it. (Though I imagine that was under the wave of the hide all disappearing as well.) No hard feelings.

Log said:

I don't know what this is even supposed to mean, middle-clicking the approve button does nothing.

Guess you didn't have the misfortune of middle-clicking next to an image and swinging the mouse, rather than on the image to open the new card with it, only to get sent to oblivion and beyond, wasting time to finding where exactly was I before the missclick. (If this sentence is confusing, then I'm sorry. I guess nothing like that happened to you.)

It's also slightly harder to miss a picture when there is less results on the page, though I don't want to be the only factor stopping the queue from being resized (made bigger) again, to fit the more needy.

Log said:

For the hide all button it would only have to be for lack of interest. Nobody should be marking 25 posts at once for bad art or rule breaking.

Full agreement.

I feel like a compromise, if only temporary, for the number of posts per page could be a link at the bottom of the page that opens that entire page worth of posts in new tabs (I say bottom because I presume the hide all link would be at the top again and to make it harder to open 25 new tabs at once with one click.)

I like this idea as well, but only if it stays at 25/page.

I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but I don't really like that the hide all button is gone. I usually go through a handful of tags/metatags (e.g. comic, score:<0, rating:e, touhou, or a specific uploader or date), one at a time, rather than going through the whole queue page by page. I'll look through the posts in a tag, approve the ones I like and then hide the rest of the set using the hide all button. Removing the button adds significantly more mouse clicks for me. It will probably just be something I'll end up having to get used to. Adding a "mark all as poor quality/no interest/whatever" wouldn't really work, since it's unlikely that all the posts in a selected set would be of a single category.

I'd also like to chime in and say that I would be interested in being able to add comments or notes to posts in the queue. A custom note or message would give a lot more info to the other approvers versus a preset message or category. It could also be used to mark posts that an approver may have trouble deciding on, but hasn't hidden/disapproved yet.

One last thing, being able to search for flagged posts specifically would be appreciated. status:flagged doesn't seem to work in the mod queue. Searching by date works (i.e. any post older than 3 days), but it's possible that it would miss posts (such as when a contributor's post gets flagged the same day it's uploaded).

Another problem with 25 posts per page is that it's so slow. The mod queue already seemed to take 6+ seconds to load at 100 posts per page, and it seems to be the same at 25, so that means you need to wait for pages to load 4x as much compared to 100 posts per page.

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