I'm glad people are talking about this because I am almost the sole uploader (aside for some others) for the recent of many upscales. One contributor (I'll keep anonymous) reached out to me about it and asked me to use my upscale as a parent because they believed it was higher quality and resolution, but I tried to explain to them why it shouldn't be, I think they missed that it was really a upscale. Here is what I told them:
...The recent series of child posts I've uploaded are upscaled versions made from the original images I've cited as parents. I use the source artwork with a rather small resolution and enlarge them with noise reduction. Unfortunately, the technique and software I use is not flawless, it's algorithms try to make the image larger while keeping it clear (not just blurring it), but unavoidably the upscaled versions receive quality imperfections that do not make them perfect. Thus, while the image I posted is higher in resolution, the more important criteria is image quality, which is as high as it gets from the original work. I tag all upscaled images with the 'upscaled' tag and edit them as child's of the parent post I originally used to create them. My versions are strictly inferior in quality. ...
One tricky part is by what do we judge quality by? The lack of artifacts? Authentic to the artist's creation? How can we know that between image X and Y of the same artwork which one is more truthful to the artist's intention considering the difference extremely minute? I did not tell them that I indeed was mostly using Waifu2x's engine to create these because I did not want to get word out and cause a flood of upscales. I upscaled many images and spent a lot of time choosing which images and what parameters would produce the best results for danbooru. Alas, I regret some of my uploads because I agree that danbooru does not need to be inflated with different versions of posts that people can create themselves with the third-party tool. However, I also agree with what CodeKyuubi mentioned earlier:
CodeKyuubi said:
I think there is meaning in uploading good upscales of smaller images.
Please look at post #2044134. I picked what I considered to be a very good original picture of low resolution that I could not find any better quality versions of. I spent some time to upscale it because I believed it would be very popular. It's a fantastic picture that people could use for wallpapers or whatever if only it was in a decent resolution. I uploaded this upscale as a child. It turns out it was indeed popular, and someone else had changed it to a parent. It is my only upscaled post I've posted that is a parent. As I said before, the upscales should be strictly inferior to the original, but the problem is the original in this case has numerous problem such as artifacts or jagged lines. I spent a lot of time on this post particularly comparing the two and I think people can agree that the smooth, solid lines for the character's body (hair outline is particularly awful in the original) is a major improvement. I believe this so strongly that I believe that the few granular details lost in the upscale will not only go unnoticed, but that in general the upscale is more valuable than the original! [Homage to Kaiki].
As for the policy for the future. If I had to imagine danbooru in three years without any special regulation for upscales, I dislike it. Too much redundancy and I know I would disagree with a lot of what might get approved. I would think bloat, bloat, bloat. I love the option to integrate an option to upscale like S1eth suggested, but it may not be a feature with enough demand to warrant adding it. Looking back at it, I could've uploaded much less upscales than I did--being really, really judicious on when to upload an upscale, instead of also uploading images I simply personally liked such as post #2035308. I haven't uploaded a new picture for a while because my current standards for it are high enough that it takes some time commitment to look through thousands of images and compare tens of versions of an image before I decide "yep, let's upload this upscale." Again, there are some upscales I uploaded I think are higher quality, but not necessary for me to upload.
I do not think Waifu2x should be tagged as there is no way to identify the upscaling algorithm used by looking at the finished product. For example, can anyone tell me which upscaled posts used waifu2x or did not? Only the uploader. Instead, it may be better to continue using the 'upscaled' tag and in its wiki page list Waifu2x as an effective upscaling website anyone can use.
Finally, if upscaling is going to remain acceptable, the criteria for accepting upscales should be higher than for a new post. They should not only be well done (not removing important lines, etc.), but they have to show significant improvements over the original, which also should've been a good image to begin by the standards of the approver. For example, I think my earlier Hibike! Euphonium upload is one of the best upscales here, while due to the nature of the original, this post# 2047422 is not that great. It will take people some time to learn what posts upscale well and which do not. The conversation should recognize both the need for regulation/awareness of the topic as well as really how much of an improvement in quality some upscales can bring.
EDIT: Added a bit, removed a bit.