Continuing from "Plural to Singular alias request thread" (topic #8117/p27):
Naretla said:
remove alias snowflake -> snowflakes
create alias snowflakes -> snowflake
Log said:
Why to singular? Snowflakes naturally come in groups of way more than one.
Naretla said:
If it's snowing, that's usually the case. But a picture may also have just a single snowflake, especially if the snowflake is a symbol/motif or unnatural.
Some examples:
Toks said:
If like 99% of posts are plural we usually alias singular -> plural even if there are a couple posts that are singular. Like how breast is aliased to breasts even though post #1015158 exists.
As per the guidelines in post #14788, "breasts" are a natural pair. On the other hand, it is natural to draw both a single snowflake or multiple snowflakes. Looking at the current snowflakes tag, most pages have at least one example of an illustration with only a single snowflake: I count 4 out of 20 on the first page right now (post #2047441, post #2047350, post #2044465, and post #2040900).
Given previous consensus regarding singular forms and examples of other tags (e.g. ant, star and star (sky), water drop, etc.), "snowflakes -> snowflake" seems appropriate.