The idea to improve mod queue came up as a part of discussion in topic #11667. While there are certainly other issues contributing to both regular members and approvers dissatisfaction, the time-consuming nature of approval procedures and lack of feedback on rejected posts are among the reasons as well. Moderation queue is an old part of Danbooru, and it should probably undergo some renovations to make moderation process faster, easier and more satisfying to uploaders and approvers.
First of all, for all the users who never saw it, that's what the moderation queue actually looks like:
Posts are ordered by their ID, so posts uploaded earlier are shown first, and older posts that are flagged always end up at top of the queue. Each approver has the possibility to hide the post from their queue, so that it doesn't show up for them anymore, unless they request it with "Show hidden posts" link. There's a counter for every post showing how many other approvers have hidden the post.
This is what "status:pending" box looks like for Janitor+:
I'll summarize the ideas from topic #11667 in the second post. All Janitors+ are welcome to share their ideas and opinions whether the enhancements are necessary at all. Other users are welcome to contribute as well, but please keep it reasonable. Again, this topic is mod queue improvement discussion, it's definitely not for calling out names or getting angry at the system.
Updated by albert