Sorry for this thread being bumped yet again, just wanted to somehow give it a proper end as there's still a bit of uncertainty about the proper use of the script (which works and is fantastic, thank you so much).
1. Go here and download the script there is a download button, no science involved.
2. Go there and download the last version of the program. For instance, in my case (on current date) is:
Straberry Perl (64bit)
(If you have a 32 bit windows, use the 32 bit version)
3.Install StraberryPerl, be careful that you install it on a folder which has no spaces or no ascii symbols on the path. If you are having problems just install it on C:\Perl (you may need admin permission)
3. Go to the folder you want to download the images in and copy there the script you just downloaded, you may want to rename it to make it easier to use, I'll call it for convenience.
4.Now execute the shell of windows, which is the cmd.exe program, if you have doubts how to open it search somwhere else, it's easy.
5.On the shell go to where the is, for instance i have it on "C:\User\Pepe\Images" so i should write:
"cd C:\User\Pepe\Images"
If you want to save your images on other hard disk or partition as D:\, just type:
"cd D:\User\Pepe\Images" or whathever path is yours.
6.Now to execute the comand:
"perl -u your_username -p your_pass -t tag_to_download"
^That is the short version, there are actually more ways of download as changing the source (danbooru, gelbooru, pixiv, etc...), the amount, tags on black list, etc.... For all those comodities please read the help of the script, you can read it if you write on the shell:
And I hope this brings a definitive close to the thread and hope it helped some of you.
P.D. Truly sorry if my english is bad, bear with me :P