
Artist tagging help

Posted under General

Zansnae793 said:

Not sure how to handle this. Artist name is moccha but that is already taken and his Pixiv profile doesn't have any other names to separate him from the other moccha.

You can use the pixiv account name as the qualifier when there are no other options. moccha_(makotaro1223).

If you didn't know, you can find the account name by clicking the "Feed" link and looking in the url:

lxs said:

Can anyone confirm if mk_(masatusaboten) and chourui are the same person or not? was deleted around March and was created in March. The style of the artists/Twitter handle are somewhat similar as well

Judging from these webpages, chourui's nicoSeiga account is
[Tweet(1)] [NicoLive description(1)] [Tweet(2)] [NicoLive description(2)]

Setsunator said:


I request that we change the artist tags for these as "artist" and "pixiv" can hardly be called adequate ways to differentiate between the two.

tanaka_(pixiv) goes by トリ皮マッシブ, with a feed name of "tanaka0". I don't know how the kanji reads.

tanaka_(artist) goes by 夕子, with a feed name of "elmo". Their twitter and site name use YK, so I think yuuko_(elmo) would be a good choice for them.