
Gigantic and absurd breasts

Posted under General

I think it would be better to leave the remaining discussion started in post #327272 here. I'll copy over the comments:

RaisingK said:
If huge breasts means breasts larger than the head, then maybe there should be an absurd breasts tag for those larger than the rest of their body.

memegui said:
I've been using gigantic_breasts since giant_breasts is aliased to huge.

RaisingK said:
I would have preferred "absurd" but since you got the drop on me I'll keep gigantic_breasts in mind in the future...

memegui said:
Absurd to me would be post #313130 and the like but someone saw fit to give them the same tag. These gigantic ones are still possible by unnatural means.

RaisingK said:
I was imagining something like this post to be at the low end and your example to be more the norm. They're both nuts, and impossible for a body to support or even attach to.

Updated by LaC

Terms of Service


Prohibited Content

In addition, you may not use the Site to upload any of the following:


* Grotesque: Any depiction of extreme mutilation, extreme bodily distension, feces, or bodies that are far outside the realm of normal human proportion (for example, breasts that are as large as the body).

I don't want to be a bitch, but either this thread is pointless, or the Terms of Service are outdated.

surasshu said:
This dissecting of breast sizes is getting pretty silly, in general. As if it isn't ambiguous enough as it is...

There's not that much ambiguity about breasts larger than the body.

aldeayeah said:
I don't want to be a bitch, but either this thread is pointless, or the Terms of Service are outdated.

Don't tell me, tell all the pictures of it that are floating around Danbooru.

memegui said: How about enforcing the ToS and deleting those über huge ones?

Again, purging old legacy content never seemed to be an accepted practice, even though I'd love to do it, personally.

But I certainly wouldn't approve such images in the mod queue, so if any get through it's either other mods or contributor level users abusing their status.

Just the other day albert deleted all 200+ semen_on_figure posts so I don't think that should stop you. Keeping them only sends the message that they might get accepted.

How about this demi-policy: if the odds of a kind of post being accepted are null now, you should be allowed to delete legacy posts of that kind.
This would allow yaoi, guro and photo to stay while keeping semen on figures and mamothian tits out.

memegui said:
Just the other day albert deleted all 200+ semen_on_figure posts so I don't think that should stop you.

What stopped me was the fact that we've had numerous conversations about this before and never came to an agreement to delete them. I thought semen on figure posts had been purged awhile ago, actually...

Keeping them only sends the message that they might get accepted.

I know, and agree. Unfortunately some tags require going through images one by one and deciding individually. Clear cut always-deletable tags like semen on figure are rare.

surasshu said:
I've dated girls with bigger breasts than that.

RaisingK said:
You keep out of this, Shinji, you're not helping our case.

Sorry. Like I said, minority opinion, personal taste, etc. It's not that I think think larger are offensive, but when a series is actually animated like Eiken, I find it a bit silly, and not at all attractive. Isn't there something to be said for natural proportions? I'll stay out of it from here though, re-classify to whatever gradient you like.


Nothing's wrong with your opinion, but your posts are off topic because this thread isn't about personal opinions on the ideal breast size, it's about tagging and/or deleting the posts with breasts that everyone can agree are beyond the realm of physical possibility.

Also, glancing at KireiYukari's userpage compels me to note that should we start enforcing the ToS, gigantic penis will need to be cleaned out as well.

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