Did I miss a setting somewhere? I'd like to have quite a few more images by default on a slideshow page.
Posted under General
Slideshow page? Like a post search, you mean?
According to help:users, the posts per page setting ("Change the number of posts they see per page (between 1 to 100).") is for Gold+ accounts.
According to help:cheatsheet, you can include the limit metatag in your search to specify how many posts you want to see per search page. For example, limit:40 shows 40 pictures. It doesn't count as a tag in the non-Gold 2-tag limit. Higher posts-per-page increases the search's load on the database, though, so your searches will be more likely to time out. Similarly, lower posts-per-page decreases a search's load on the database, so if a search is timing out, sometimes it will succeed when the limit is lowered.