
Either help:users or howto:comment needs to be updated

Posted under General

howto:comment says that comments are restricted to one per hour, but help:users says regular members get 2 per hour and Privileged+ have unlimited comments. Which is correct? I was going to change howto:comment because I think I can remember bumping twice in an hour, but I wanted to make sure.

(And now that I think of it, neither page mentions that posting without bumping doesn't count towards a user's comment limit.)

fossilnix said:

howto:comment says that comments are restricted to one per hour, but help:users says regular members get 2 per hour and Privileged+ have unlimited comments. Which is correct? I was going to change howto:comment because I think I can remember bumping twice in an hour, but I wanted to make sure.

help:users is correct. It's two comments per hour for basic members. Unlimited for gold+.

Neither of us can edit howto:comment to change this though, as it's locked.