Did Pixiv do something weird again or is it just me? I can't upload anything with the bookmarklet and I can't open up tabs with the pages either.
Posted under General
I've tried to upload pixiv #47506353 through the site. I get that error, too.
An error occurred: error: Sources::Error - Couldn't find image thumbnail URL in page: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47506353
Somebody must update to script. I saw someone who actually did so in someway.
Got the same error with pixiv #47504294.
EDIT: I should clarify that the artist can still be found, but the Similar search doesn't produce a thumbnail or a 'No Similar Results Found' message. Plus Fetch Source Data doesn't work.
So, what are we going to do now... are we going to save the image first to our hard drives before uploading it here or just look for an alternative source? I ain't considering to use the first option though.
BTW, group images and mangas were still not affected by the change (for now at least).
Getting the same issue. So I had to save it to my computer then upload from it, while adding source with its pixiv source instead of its image link :s
Lunatic6 said:
So, what are we going to do now... are we going to save the image first to our hard drives before uploading it here or just look for an alternative source? I ain't considering to use the first option though.
BTW, group images and mangas were still not affected by the change (for now at least).
The first option is still viable, but it has one limitation: the knowledge of the uploader about that work. But is superable meanwhile.
Just try to not abuse of the Character request tag, because the artist button is active for now.
Lunatic6 said:
So, what are we going to do now... are we going to save the image first to our hard drives before uploading it here or just look for an alternative source? I ain't considering to use the first option though.
I used the first option for my latest two uploads and it worked, so long as I add the Pixiv source and made sure the artist existed in the database. It's fine as a temporary measure until this gets fixed, but I'm not keen on doing it for the long term.
z905844 said:
Pixiv is really trying hard to screw us over this time.
Shinhwalee said:
I wonder if intentional or coincidence...
SciFi said:
I said it last time. They seem to be under the influence of Google/Youtube.
Pixiv just updated their UI to be more responsive to users. I doubt they even know Danbooru exists, and they're definitely not intentionally screwing anybody over.