create alias stare -> staring
create implication staring_contest -> staring
Noun to verb, and subset.
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create alias stare -> staring
create implication staring_contest -> staring
Noun to verb, and subset.
There's also staring at breasts. Should that implicate staring, or should it be aliased to looking at breasts? Opinions?
Alanis_the_Evoker said:
create alias stare -> staring
create implication staring_contest -> staringNoun to verb, and subset.
evazion said:
There's also staring at breasts. Should that implicate staring, or should it be aliased to looking at breasts? Opinions?
Will go with "looking", as all stares are looks but not all looks are stares (though I suppose the difference is almost impossible to tell in a static image).