


AkiraID said:

you think this is bad?
trust me, Sensei.
it getting worse

Okay, my new headcanon for this series is that, by whatever means, Sensei was cursed to die at the hands of one of Kivotos' students (either any student or a specific one) and the curse is fulfilling itself in an extremely roundabout way. It'd certainly explain why he's so impossibly dense.

As an aside, does anyone know if Jazz has made fanart of an ensemble-cast work and not turned it into "Oops! All yanderes!"?

Alanis, killed by a treasurer named Yuuka

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    KoakumaBR said:

    I would dare to say that's because Zun arts are usually very likely to not pass the moderation queue (at least as far I could see)

    True, especially considering that the ZUN style is considered โ€œbadโ€ in the collective unconscious.
    but the way I see it, if you someone had the courage to upload a comic, or a set of images, upload the complete set! come on, the complete set doesn't bite!

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