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Winksu said:

Why won't Hoyoverse flesh out their relationship more? Why do they just focus on trust events between the mc and other characters (such as Jane)?

Sadly because they know sailing ships makes money. And that there are players who wants all the waifus/husbandos for themselves.
So they give you a teaser for relationships but don't dive deeper to satisfy people on both ends. H3I use to just straight up go into the relationships but with Genshin and beyond they learned this method.

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    Winksu said:

    Why won't Hoyoverse flesh out their relationship more? Why do they just focus on trust events between the mc and other characters (such as Jane)?

    In gacha games there must always be ambiguity as to who a character is into, so people who prefer that character with the MC/themselves are satisfied too. They are often the money-makers, after all.
    The only exception I'm aware of is FGO, but that's because that game uses historical figures and as such some canon relationships are inevitable.

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    UNOwens said:

    Sadly because they know sailing ships makes money. And that there are players who wants all the waifus/husbandos for themselves.
    So they give you a teaser for relationships but don't dive deeper to satisfy people on both ends. H3I use to just straight up go into the relationships but with Genshin and beyond they learned this method.

    yeah, I get what you mean. However, correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't they make money anyway if they appease the part of the community that prefers (for example) Seth and Jane instead of Wise (mc) and Jane? Tbf, I've seen WAY more Seth x Jane artwork than Wise (mc) x Jane artwork.

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    notyourdoorknob said:

    In gacha games there must always be ambiguity as to who a character is into, so people who prefer that character with the MC/themselves are satisfied too. They are often the money-makers, after all.
    The only exception I'm aware of is FGO, but that's because that game uses historical figures and as such some canon relationships are inevitable.

    Ambiguity in gacha games is such a pain...

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    Winksu said:

    yeah, I get what you mean. However, correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't they make money anyway if they appease the part of the community that prefers (for example) Seth and Jane instead of Wise (mc) and Jane? Tbf, I've seen WAY more Seth x Jane artwork than Wise (mc) x Jane artwork.

    Correcting you not because you're wrong, but because your way of thinking is wrong. You see artwork, artwork is made by artists, unless a great majority of the player base are artists making fanart, your logic wouldn't stand.
    Two, look at the amount of fanart Jane Doe has then compare it to how much Seth has then compare it to how much they have together. Most of Seth's art is either as a group or with Jane, but most of Jane's art don't have Seth anywhere in them. Meaning Jane herself is more popular than the pairing. At least 3 times as much going by danbooru stats.
    Final point, not everyone sees the MC as a stand-in for themselves. I did NOT choose Wise as my MC, I chose Belle. Why? Because Belle is cute, not to self-insert. In Genshin, I chose Lumine for the same reason, if I'm gonna stare at the nicely shaped rear end of a character for hours on end it best belong to someone cute. In Star Rail, I choose......Caelus, simply because his coolness beat out Stelle's cuteness (man has a nice tush, no homo just respect). Point being, artwork featuring Wise I see as.....artwork featuring Wise, not "player character" the ones with the blank or no face to me better show as artwork with a self-insert.
    So yes they will make money if they appease a PART of the community that likes shipping, but that part isn't the whole and you best believe there's more non-shippers than shippers (silent majority thing) who make them far more money keeping the ambiguity. Because I personally didn't even know who Seth was until this specfic fanart and me drawing him in game but you best believe I've known about Jane even before her release.

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    FRien said:

    Oh for fuck's sake, she's quitting?

    She's not "quitting" in the sense she's graduating, she's ending all streaming activities but will still be apart of group projects, Her channel and socials will be shut down but announcements of her involvement will be announced on the main channels of Hololive EN.

    This is just what the endstage of burn out is.

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    wackadoo said:

    The fact danbooru is trying to scam 20$ just to see the rest of this when it's literally only 3.50$ official is crazy

    Gold hasn't been available for purchase for 2 years (topic #21157). But if you contribute enough to the site or win one of the Platinum raffles, you can see them without paying any money.

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    CaptainJudaism said:

    As sad as it is to see her go, since she stated she isn't leaving Cover and just the streaming side of thing it seems like she's moving into more of a Staff/Management role which, if it's true that Cover is going to open a US office, gives her a lot of advancement opportunities.

    Edit: More details emerged, okay so if it's not a Staff/Management role and she's remaining an "Affiliate"... your guess is as good as mine.

    So she's not gonna become a second A-Chan or whatever? I saw some other folks speculate about that too.

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    I think she'll continue working as sort of a guest appearance type of deal. Instead of before where when the vtuber graduates and the character is essentially "dead", it's likely she'll appear in official Hololive streams when schedule allows and maybe even some promotional work, like how Kiara described it with Morning Musume, where previous members come back for events as a surprise and such.

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    As much as I'd love to see her in future big events like the HoloFes's and other major concerts, that type of stuff would probably require more rehearsal/practice time than her new ventures would allow. But imagine if she does make an appearance at the next HoloFes, the ovation is gonna be incredible.

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    Steak said:

    I'd like to think that would open the door to other former talents returning now and then.

    Those old talents have moved on. If they wanted to do anything with COVER, and there's means for them to do so, I don't think Ame is going to be the jumping off point for it to happen

    The only person expressly offered the option to return whenever she wants is Coco. Everyone else, Coco included, fully and completely ended their partnership with COVER. Ame is the only one to specifically be stated to remain as a COVER affiliate after ceasing activities. It's very safe to assume this is an Ame specific thing, and it won't be opening any doors for anyone who's already left the company.

    Ame presumbly still has a contract with the company, or signed a new one with different terms, which obviously isn't the case for everyone prior. At the very least, they wouldn't be making appearances as their old Hololive personalities, since those contracts were severed. I don't think Ame's situation sets a precedent for them affiliating with COVER using their indie personalities, either, since she's still Ame, just only every now and then.

    It also just opens a kind of messy can of worms. Graduated talents might be okay, but for Terminated talents would not be. Rushia still has plenty of fans, despite everything, and Mel's termination was more an unfortunate obligation and no one wanted to see her go. But there's no good way to justify bringing either of them back after explicitly Terminating them. Even for Graduated talents, making that kind of "exception" for any one of them opens the door for fans to start making requests/demands towards COVER/the talents for guest collabs, despite them all having long since moved on. Which, some people were already doing, but now they're given justification to do it even more. It would just encourage a lot of annoying, "But you let that person come back, why not this one?" even though it's not entirely up to COVER if those talents even want to do that.

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