Nice, we are pulling Miltary aid. Dont have to worry about our boys in boots dying unnecessary. To those that want to complain. Ukraine are accepting foreign aid to join their army. By all means go ahead and sign up.
Nice, we are pulling Miltary aid. Dont have to worry about our boys in boots dying unnecessary. To those that want to complain. Ukraine are accepting foreign aid to join their army. By all means go ahead and sign up.
Aid ≠ deployed soldiers. There are veterans and civilian mercenaries in Ukraine but America hasn't sent soldiers officially or unofficially. The extent of the help was money, intelligence, and giving away old military surplus that the US was throwing away anyway. Information is publicly available and the war is documented by so many different cameras that if the US had combat troops in Ukraine you would've seen them but people like you ignore that in favor of what fox and similar conservative media tell you.
Nice, we are pulling Miltary aid. Dont have to worry about our boys in boots dying unnecessary. To those that want to complain. Ukraine are accepting foreign aid to join their army. By all means go ahead and sign up.
Yeah now you just have to worry about dying in Syria for Bibi.
Based on the translation here, does she try to hide her regional dialect but you can hear it in her thoughts?
She uses the same regional dialect in both. It's just she keeps up a calm and composed ladylike exterior at all times so she uses a refined, upper-class version of the dialect but she frequently has outbursts in her inner monologue where she sounds far more uncouth. Example . This makes her similar to Kaoruko/Magia Sulfur from MahoAko, except Lilac's outbursts are all contained in her monologue so far.
It's kinda like, say, a Southern Belle who sounds like a farm laborer in her inner voice.
The context behind these cards being together is they make up the most annoying deck to play against in master duel, since every move you make will be negated and their opening combo takes forever
The context behind these cards being together is they make up the most annoying deck to play against in master duel, since every move you make will be negated and their opening combo takes forever
Sadly, the Royal Scots Regiment (what used to be the oldest regiment in the Scottish/British Army) now no longer exist. The regiment has been amalgamated with multiple other Scottish regiments into the Royal Regiment of Scotland (which is all the other Scottish regiments merged together to save costs) with the exception of the Scots Guards.