


Went ahead and removed character_request. As Sumire surmised, the girl in the picture is Keke's middle school friend that shows up in the sixth episode of the third season of Love Live! Superstar!!. She is never referred to by name in the episode and while her voice actor is presumably listed in the outro credits, they're listed without a role (not even "Girl A" or "Keke's Friend").

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    Honestly, Shirou being a Dark Angel doesn't fit.

    I feel he would've fit a Salamander more, among the First Founding Chapters.

    And if we were going with later Founding Chapters, he probably would fit a Lamenter the best when you think on it.

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    warellis said:

    Honestly, Shirou being a Dark Angel doesn't fit.

    I feel he would've fit a Salamander more, among the First Founding Chapters.

    And if we were going with later Founding Chapters, he probably would fit a Lamenter the best when you think on it.

    Salamander Shirou would be Archer

    We both know why

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    We can say Shirou can be a Blood Angel, the founding chapter of the Lamenters. Since like the Blood Angels they have mental trauama despite their noble acts and demeanor. Like how Shirou has trauma of the Fuyuki Fire that makes him selfless and Kiritisugu's dream. And how the Blood Angels suffer with the Red Thirst and Black Rage, despite how long dead their gene father is they still follow his teachings of having neat hobbies to satiete their blood thirst, and the fact some of them have suicidal martyr complex like Sanguinius *looks at Dante*

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    Anon1804 said:

    We can say Shirou can be a Blood Angel, the founding chapter of the Lamenters. Since like the Blood Angels they have mental trauama despite their noble acts and demeanor. Like how Shirou has trauma of the Fuyuki Fire that makes him selfless and Kiritisugu's dream. And how the Blood Angels suffer with the Red Thirst and Black Rage, despite how long dead their gene father is they still follow his teachings of having neat hobbies to satiete their blood thirst, and the fact some of them have suicidal martyr complex like Sanguinius *looks at Dante*

    Honestly I still feel the Lamenters fit better for Shirou. Especially thanks to their battlecry.

    Arcueid would be a better fit for the Blood Angels I think.

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    After obtaining this Startup Movie and installing it in through the Big Picture settings menu, you can find this file at:

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    tichusu said:

    You don't actually need to buy the items to get the files, you can just grab them from the preview in the shop.

    Neat. I saw the previews, but I expected them to be compressed in some way, but they actually are the identical files.

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    tichusu said:

    You don't actually need to buy the items to get the files, you can just grab them from the preview in the shop.

    For this post specifically you can just copy the video link directly (using a web browser, not the steam client), but other types of items require dev tools/inspect element.

    Link for this post is:

    I did exactly that, got the file ready. Then just like that my hand slipped and gone were half of my Steam points.

    I've never been more clumsy I still cannot get over this 😭

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