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alexlapin said:

Of course Enterprise made the Star Trek reference. Of course.

Well the historical USS Enterprise survived so much during the war. She earned a lot from those 20 battle stars.

But her legacy via Star Trek has given her another line of references. Both via the likes of Kirk (No Win Scenario) and Picard (History never forgets the name Enterprise). Let us see how Akagi-chan vs Amagi-chan works out.

Also with Akagi in her original commissioned fit, she's got her eight inch twin turrets, so she could get all up close and personal with some modern US destroyers that have basically only five inch guns and are not armored for eight inch HE rounds.


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    Well funny thing about the chocolate part. In one comic part Venom had a craving for brains, so strong that he went on a murder spree for brains. Eddie found out that it was a certain component (basing it off of memory) that venom craved from brains was also in chocolate. So at the end Venom's brain craving murder frenzy was stopped by
    Being fed chocolate.

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    HunterNGames said:

    Well funny thing about the chocolate part. In one comic part Venom had a craving for brains, so strong that he went on a murder spree for brains. Eddie found out that it was a certain component (basing it off of memory) that venom craved from brains was also in chocolate. So at the end Venom's brain craving murder frenzy was stopped by
    Being fed chocolate.

    2-phenylethylamine (Ph-CH2-CH2-NH2). It's a 'neurotransmitter' (well, technically neuromodulator). Chocolate has an appreciable amount of 2-PhEtNH2, but IIRC beans, cheeses and cured meats have even higher levels of the compound.

    Brain tissue also has 2-PhEtNH2 (since, well, it's a neuromodulator), but not as much as the above sources, unless the brain 'donor' is high on amphetamines or similar drugs.

    (Note that amphetamine itself is a substituted phenylethylamine compound, with one addditional methyl group. It's not converted into 2-PhEtNH2 though, but it does increase the levels of the latter significantly.)

    Interestingly, PhEtNH2 is also a trace component in urine. Carnivores have far higher levels in their urine. Servals have some of the highest, sooooo...

    (Actually it'll be an even less practical source, but it's just funnier this way.)


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