


Monki said:

Be careful, you might start by giving her a few inches but she will have taken a whole mile by the time morning dawns. Even then she will still be looking for sausage with her eggs for breakfast.

C’mon. Take a look at yourself.

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    There's an easily missable document at the start of the quest (can't be viewed later after you start Rinascita's quest). It's a Bloom Bearer's report on Rinascita consisting of four observations/rules... the fourth being never put crownapple (pineapple) on pizza.

    ETA 1/20/2025: I was able to dig up the exact text:

    4. Ragunna has one cardinal rule regarding pizza: it does not, and will never, tolerate crownapple topping. Do NOT in any circumstance, add crownapple or gemberry to any pizza served at a Ragunnesi restaurant. This rule must-and I repeat-must be adhered to.


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