


Remumimiku said:

What event if you didn't mind me asking

comment #2337165
The 2023 Summer event. It was meant to be a silly parody of Summer events in Gacha games (where the cast get swimsuits and other skimpy outfits). Ishmael got a diving suit in contrast to the usual swimsuit that other Gacha games would have. South Korean Incels took the event way too seriously, and threatened Project Moon and the previous CG artist Vellmori for supposedly being Femininst. Vellmori left Project Moon which caused a lot of Project Moon artists to stop making or delete their related artworks in response.
You'll see a lot of artists who made Project Moon artwork, then suddenly stop after Summer 2023.

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    scouterman said:

    Dude, that’s not Zons wife, that’s his little sister.

    Zon's middle school aged little sister hence, "Laios isn't into cute and funny" since Laios was uncomfortable with how Zon was trying to push Leed on him when he became king. Instead in one of the .5 4koma chapters Laios' compliments towards his wives had Zon enraged because he thought Laios was after them.

    How you even got Leed=Zon's wife is ???


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    turbinepowerconundrum said:

    It’s satire, guys. No one says “it’s illegal to be straight” and be completely serious about that.

    That's the thing about satire; there'll always be someone who completely agrees with it, not realizing it's a joke.

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    FRien said:

    If only. I saw so many people on tumblr then later on twitter insult people for being CIS, aka straight. I think it calmed down a bit since, but there was a time where "cis scum" was a common sight, and a common blight.

    Fair enough, the bad apples of a bunch are usually the most vocal.

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    turbinepowerconundrum said:

    Fair enough, the bad apples of a bunch are usually the most vocal.

    Sadly, the bad ones are the ones that get noticed and remembered. Not the ones trying to push for equal salary, but the ones having a meltdown in front of a camera and "literally shaking rn" because they got contradicted by a dude who loves girls.

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    FRien said:

    If only. I saw so many people on tumblr then later on twitter insult people for being CIS, aka straight. I think it calmed down a bit since, but there was a time where "cis scum" was a common sight, and a common blight.

    Yeah and a girl called me ugly in highschool once move on also depending the time you saw these post the average cis-person was probably more bigoted then they are now and while I don't think we shouldn't be bigoted towards a certain group because the majority of that group do negative things. If your bullied by cis-people for being gay I can understand the frustration causes people to do that


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    Egad_Hedgegard said:

    How heavy is this chainmail if freaking Sheep Nun has trouble lifting it?

    27 lb (roughly 12 kg).

    The issue is not so much the weight of chainmail itself, but rather psychology - if you expect something to be light, you won't use as much strength to lift it, which can lead to you being surprised, that it's actually heavier than expected.

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