If only. I saw so many people on tumblr then later on twitter insult people for being CIS, aka straight. I think it calmed down a bit since, but there was a time where "cis scum" was a common sight, and a common blight.
Fair enough, the bad apples of a bunch are usually the most vocal.
Fair enough, the bad apples of a bunch are usually the most vocal.
Sadly, the bad ones are the ones that get noticed and remembered. Not the ones trying to push for equal salary, but the ones having a meltdown in front of a camera and "literally shaking rn" because they got contradicted by a dude who loves girls.
If only. I saw so many people on tumblr then later on twitter insult people for being CIS, aka straight. I think it calmed down a bit since, but there was a time where "cis scum" was a common sight, and a common blight.
Yeah and a girl called me ugly in highschool once move on also depending the time you saw these post the average cis-person was probably more bigoted then they are now and while I don't think we shouldn't be bigoted towards a certain group because the majority of that group do negative things. If your bullied by cis-people for being gay I can understand the frustration causes people to do that
The issue is not so much the weight of chainmail itself, but rather psychology - if you expect something to be light, you won't use as much strength to lift it, which can lead to you being surprised, that it's actually heavier than expected.
No, they hate it because they are bigots. Your entire argument is that bridget identified as a guy was okay by the fans, but when that flipped it wasn't and has been hypocrites about that for what's approaching a year now.
If fans actually cared about writing quality they would complain about how Ino never actually restored the moon before being beaten, but no, it's always "Bridget lore." It's because it's not actually motivated by anything other than bigotry, and any attempt to complain by writing standard is just deflection.
It's tiring and everyone sees through the stupid argument.
Calling people who have valid disagreements bigots does not solve anything.
Calling people who have valid disagreements bigots does not solve anything.
It's not valid disagreement. It's just trying to argue for headcanon, which is just hypocrisy and inability to understand what definition of canon is.
Also I call him a bigot because he obviously is. It's his sole motivation. He has nothing to say about actual retcons on GG lore, but conveniently posts complaints about Bridget lore exclusively. Which shows how much of a fraud he is in pretending to care about Guilty Gear lore of all things. The lore handwaves genocide, looming ecological disaster, racism, quantum entanglement, physical apperances but a character choosing to go trans with the creator's confirmation? No... they got to make an account and complain about this for all eternity while being woefully ignorant of any of the characters or setting they are complaining about.
If he even had a smidge of indication that he was an actual lore nerd, I and other people wouldn't be rolling their eyes about how it's about "writing quality" not bigotry. Because fighting game lore is what people argue writing quality about right?/s Boy, I sure wish Discord96 is just as passionate about effectiveness of Akuma's raging demon, "Heihachi Mishima is dead", Geese's never ending resurrection, Kroenen's existence, fate of Charlie Nash after Alpha 3, as he's gone on and on about Bridget's decision. He said it's about writing quality right? He's not just a one trick pony with a troll account, right?
why do u guys care about a fictional characters gender so much lol. if u see bridget as a girl, cool. if u see bridget as a boy, cool. do something productive instead of protecting some stupid fictional character.
why do u guys care about a fictional characters gender so much lol. if u see bridget as a girl, cool. if u see bridget as a boy, cool. do something productive instead of protecting some stupid fictional character.
srsly.. like seeing this happen on every bridget art post, and now with that one super mario character they're debating over in the comments; i just fail to see why it takes so much time out of peoples mind.
I'm genuinely curious,how would the thing with Nero work? Would vergil just put him in the orphanage as soon as she gave birth or would she actually try settle down with Nero father and raise him , but while she was getting things the house was attacked by demons ? 🤔🤔🤔
I'm genuinely curious,how would the thing with Nero work? Would vergil just put him in the orphanage as soon as she gave birth or would she actually try settle down with Nero father and raise him , but while she was getting things the house was attacked by demons ? 🤔🤔🤔
Just Raven Branwen that shit - she pops him out and peaces out.
That one on the left is doing it wrong: that metallic part is specifically made for you to put your foot in it and holds the whole thing down while you draw it.