Nah, creepy is what was possibly done to make her the "hunter of wolves" she is still being deprogrammed from being. Wanting to be fed with a baby bottle? That's mid-level to minor for someone who in canon doesn't want people to get too close to her because her first instinct would be to cut them. Finding the situation uncomfortable, is understandable though.
Nah, creepy is what was possibly done to make her the "hunter of wolves" she is still being deprogrammed from being. Wanting to be fed with a baby bottle? That's mid-level to minor for someone who in canon doesn't want people to get too close to her because her first instinct would be to cut them. Finding the situation uncomfortable, is understandable though.
I can see where they are coming from, but yeah, even from a lore perspective this isn’t too weird. Red was denied several years worth of normal growth, but is still relatively young.
I can see where they are coming from, but yeah, even from a lore perspective this isn’t too weird. Red was denied several years worth of normal growth, but is still relatively young.
That, and, well, I have seen this kind of thing happen for children that didn't really have any parental figure very early in their life (and actual innocuous scenarios of this as well). It is the seeming image of it looking very comfortable and closeness that makes them jealous. Parental pampering essentially.
The best thing is to let them do this, but don't allow them to get overly attached to the act. Well, I haven't personally had to take care of those cases since I didn't have the training (just assisting for the summer) but I saw 3 "cases" (technically 2) of this. Before the end of the summer that childish behaviour had stopped for 2 out of the 3 and the 3rd one was slowly getting over it.
It is still often a case of very severe lack of intimacy in early childhood... that, or simply a child saw something like this on a tv or somewhere else and wanted to copy it (which was the case with the first one that stopped after the first experience of doing it).
Seriously though, even with the above mentioned cases, folk shouldn't be so quick to jump on the "it's creepy" gun. When I was 4-6 I saw someone putting baby powder on an infant in a comic (yes, it was french comic, and no, there was no nudity) and decided to replicate this since the stupid me thought "hey, the child looks happier, I wonder why it looks happier. Let's test and see if it is fun".
Long story short, don't put strong cooking spices (dust form) on your bottom. You will be sore afterwards.
That, and, well, I have seen this kind of thing happen for children that didn't really have any parental figure very early in their life (and actual innocuous scenarios of this as well). It is the seeming image of it looking very comfortable and closeness that makes them jealous. Parental pampering essentially.
The best thing is to let them do this, but don't allow them to get overly attached to the act. Well, I haven't personally had to take care of those cases since I didn't have the training (just assisting for the summer) but I saw 3 "cases" (technically 2) of this. Before the end of the summer that childish behaviour had stopped for 2 out of the 3 and the 3rd one was slowly getting over it.
It is still often a case of very severe lack of intimacy in early childhood... that, or simply a child saw something like this on a tv or somewhere else and wanted to copy it (which was the case with the first one that stopped after the first experience of doing it).
Seriously though, even with the above mentioned cases, folk shouldn't be so quick to jump on the "it's creepy" gun. When I was 4-6 I saw someone putting baby powder on an infant in a comic (yes, it was french comic, and no, there was no nudity) and decided to replicate this since the stupid me thought "hey, the child looks happier, I wonder why it looks happier. Let's test and see if it is fun".
Long story short, don't put strong cooking spices (dust form) on your bottom. You will be sore afterwards.
This was an anime op created by Silver Link for the Japanese version of Closers. However, the original video is no longer on Sega's YouTube channel since another company publish the game in Japan.
I won't say this was a complete waste of time, as the first and second chapter are rather well done outside of a few hiccups. I also got very cute faces and pages out of it. But this last one didn't just make the story pointless, it dumped a ton of boring exposition (with admittedly good shots of a tall Eiki) and then all of a sudden it jumps to the ending with enough speed to break any immersion or interest, not that what happened would have held up anyway. If pages 34 and 35 weren't numbered I would swear that a whole chapter was missing from the pool betweem them.
I got the impression that the artist simply got tired of the story and tried to wrap it up with a word dump and a quick "battle" scene. I'm sure the ending is the same that was originally thought of, too bad it was executed so sloppily as the other two chapters showed to have a clear structure and hold up even on their own.
I wish more artists took the Zounose approach and just built their own Gensokyo with the framework that ZUN made and left full of holes for the fans to fill in.
Nice story, kinda okay ending. It's like the Hero's journey except without the "gift" being granted near the end of the adventure. The ending climax appeared to be rushed but eh, I'm no artist so I'm not judging. I feel bad for Yoshika... and fuck you Seiga. not just because of your Jiangshi shenanigans but you being a general asshole and all.