SauceNao is pointing me towards pixiv #88969373 by Tokisaki Kun, which is a bad pixiv id. No idea if that's the actual origin or if that was also a repost of some sort.
Sĥes not a vegetarian. Theres nothibg tgat hints at her being one.
At one point in that episode, the pilots are invited to a steak dinner. Rei declines, saying she doesn’t like meat. At the end of the episode, she does eat out with the others, but specifically asks for no pork roast in her ramen. Whether or not she is a true vegetarian, those facts are enough to argue that her casually eating a burger like that is out of character (unless it’s a veggie burger or something).
At one point in that episode, the pilots are invited to a steak dinner. Rei declines, saying she doesn’t like meat. At the end of the episode, she does eat out with the others, but specifically asks for no pork roast in her ramen. Whether or not she is a true vegetarian, those facts are enough to argue that her casually eating a burger like that is out of character (unless it’s a veggie burger or something).
Well, if you've been following this artist, then you would've known this artist's Rei is already out of character (i.e. never the poker face that she is in canon).
Well, if you've been following this artist, then you would've known this artist's Rei is already out of character (i.e. never tbe poker face that she is in canon).
I just took a quick look through the artist’s works and I see what you mean. They even directly reference her canonically not liking meat in post #4397478, right before she blatantly defies her “established character.”
I have a feeling this post might be referencing it too (for one thing, the kanji for meat is there). I’ll translate it later if someone doesn’t beat me to it.
People say he's going to die horribly but the fact that he's still alive while being this dense is nothing short of a miracle. There must be some sort of divine intervention keeping him alive. That's the only reasonable explanation as to how he goes through all of this despite being literally surrounded by loved obsessed students all across the city.
And it's causing his death curse (and whoever/whatever placed it) no end of frustration. Still, it's willing to be patient... for the time being.
Alanis, killed by a schoolgirl named Nonomi (the students, however, are not so patient)
This is Tewi comforting Reisen after she encountered “interspecies cave” on Steam. Man I’m not even gonna fucking hold you, that’s some of the evilest shit I’ve seen on the internet
My heart goes out for this fictional character. Cause the evilness represents something worse, something non-fictional
Please leave the stealth advertising for your favorite porn games off the unrelated wholesome pics, kthx.
Please leave the stealth advertising for your favorite porn games off the unrelated wholesome pics, kthx.
My bad. There was no reason for that. I’m extremely sensitive to evil things, and I think about that a lot, which ended up in a comment that was incoherent and unnecessary
What a stupid thing I have said in a context that didn’t ask for it
My bad. There was no reason for that. I’m extremely sensitive to evil things, and I think about that a lot, which ended up in a comment that was incoherent and unnecessary
What a stupid thing I have said in a context that didn’t ask for it
You’re still framing things like that as evil, which I find to be disappointing since you seemed to understand the nature of fiction an hour earlier (comment #2483175). We shouldn’t judge people based on what fiction they like. People can enjoy some of the most depraved stuff out there (and here) without letting it negatively influence their lives or others. Compartmentalization is a thing. As long as it’s created in an ethical manner, there’s no problem.