


Coga said:

you gotta take unconditional love where you can get it

It's not really unconditional. From G-Chan's perspective Hooman is basically an all providing god who maintains her place of stay and feeds her like a queen every day even if he does occasionally try to smite her for reasons she does not understand. Some times he even saves her life.

Come to think of it, Hooman's own state of mind might greatly improve if he could only realize that G-Chan thinks the above of him.

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    I always ask me how is that KC is the only fandom that has this type of fanart, people seem to no be able to let go KC even after they storm they way out, they even keep comparing the new game they play with it. People may forget other IPs but KC always remains there.

    That aside I wonder if this deserves its own pool due to how specific the theme is and how many fanarts like this are in danbooru.

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    Admiral_Shippai said:

    I always ask me how is that KC is the only fandom that has this type of fanart, people seem to no be able to let go KC even after they storm they way out, they even keep comparing the new game they play with it. People may forget other IPs but KC always remains there.

    That aside I wonder if this deserves its own pool due to how specific the theme is and how many fanarts like this are in danbooru.

    The characters of KC are very memorable and people still like them even if the gameplay is increasingly frustrating.

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