


The moment where Tewi realizes how stupid it was to challenge someone, that has perfect memory as their explicit ability, to a game of memorization.

EDIT: Though to be fair, Tewi was doing pretty decent with abusing her max luck stat for quite a while.


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    I gave this the 1girl tag since Mizuki predominantly presents femininely but since they don't really have a confirmed gender, I'm not sure if I did this correctly. (At least, the last time I played project sekai. Its been a while so things could have changed. I just want to make sure im doing this right.)

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    Now I'm wondering: does the author really believe subliminal messaging is a thing (it's complete pseudoscience that has been largely disproven several times already), or is it another case of a discredited belief becoming reality in Gensokyo, like urban legends and cold fusion?

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    HedgeLord said:

    Now I'm wondering: does the author really believe subliminal messaging is a thing (it's complete pseudoscience that has been largely disproven several times already), or is it another case of a discredited belief becoming reality in Gensokyo, like urban legends and cold fusion?

    Subliminal Messaging's a bit more real when the messenger can already manipulate subconscious to begin with, this is less your everyday commercial and more The One Ring I think.

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