


on the weapon request, that is a MG34, also just out of curiosity is the other girl Italian Army? Wehrmacht doesn't have any collar star insignia on quick search, Italian 2nd Lieutenants have a star but then again the caption says Eastern Front.
also the machinegunner doesn't have spare barrels on her so good luck with that melting barrel

nvm it just hit me like a train shes eating spaghetti shes italian

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    ThugShakerOf1775 said:

    also just out of curiosity is the other girl Italian Army? Wehrmacht doesn't have any collar star insignia on quick search, Italian 2nd Lieutenants have a star but then again the caption says Eastern Front.

    Italian troops did serve on the Eastern Front, yes, as well as Slovaks and Hungarians. They were mostly under Army Group South (, Ukraine, Stalingrad and the Caucasus). There weren't many of them, and they mostly did second-line duties (well, the Italians were part of the failed attempt to rescue 6th army from Stalingrad), but they were certainly present.

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