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Dinoraptor said:

Wait, is that the guy that tried to hook up with Reisen. (17)
Hm, I wonder what other "references" there are.

And by his comment, it looks like he got a boyfriend. I wonder if it's the other guy that (tried to) hit on Reisen.

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    Impossibility of joke or snarky comment detected.

    This is too Heartwarming and beautiful, it is perfect.
    Grumpy having Baby Clumsy in arms, Smug Non-Smug with a Toy, Hungry playing baby and all the ducks...
    Yes, this is a family portrait, excellent work here, Diva.

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    Bicorn said:

    Added artistic error tag because Urara's bow is on the wrong ear. (I know it sounds minor but it's actually pretty significant with Umamusume characters.)

    For the non-horse guys, the ear ornament or any one of those asymmetries these characters have denote their real life genders... If a character has an ear bow or what not to their right (ie. Gold Ship, Special Week), they'd be a colt or stallion. Haru Urara meanwhile is a mare IRL...

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    Oh_My said:

    I'm hesitant to say it was Quiet, but she's a better shot than that.

    Quiet got btfo when she missed her mark in Mission 11 too. The difference is that the assassin was executed instead of recruited to Outer Texas.

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    Zeroes said:

    One day we will return together to our home bathed in rays of gold.

    I keep thinking that Godrick used to be a botanist before the Shattering, and that he'd graft plants together to try to make a mallorn, a tree with gold leaves. Not golden leaves, but gold leaves.

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