Overwatch apology form To: Overwatch From: Date: Reason of behavior: -Internet convince me that the porn is so good that blizzard made game parody out of it✅ -Blizzard was the fraud✅ -Game balance is so trash(They make Riot look like the professional)✅ -I never played Overwatch❎ -I don't have game on my phone❎ -Sony convince me that a heroes shooter game with pronouns is gonna be 2024 GOTY❎ ✅I will hereby respect Overwatch and will never talk down on the Best Worst Heroes shooter game in history
Overwatch apology form To: Overwatch From: Date: Reason of behavior: -Internet convince me that the porn is so good that blizzard made game parody out of it✅ -Blizzard was the fraud✅ -Game balance is so trash(They make Riot look like the professional)✅ -I never played Overwatch❎ -I don't have game on my phone❎ -Sony convince me that a heroes shooter game with pronouns is gonna be 2024 GOTY❎ ✅I will hereby respect Overwatch and will never talk down on the Best Worst Heroes shooter game in history
Kyouko's just trying to make sure electrocuting Futo isn't presented as something recommended doing, because Nue would probably do it otherwise and create friction between the two religious groups again.
That is called flapping. Granted, we do need to more consistently tag "flapping", as flapping + blush would suffice for this. Honestly, flapping alone probably would as well because there's much less art of most characters with wings in flight than there is of them happy/excited flapping.
This is an ingame joke between the fact her name is Kirov which is shared with the Red Alert's airship and probably less known to people who havent played the game recently the barrage balloon that shipgirls can be equiped with that also has a similar shape and which she is holding on like a balloon.