


I may be wrong, but this quest is a possible reference to the story "Moby Dick": Igon is obsessed with killing a dragon, just like Captain Ahab is eager to harpoon a whale, and this is not to mention almost similar weapons and madness

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    uwupaksa said:

    Its Hina why tag Aru

    Well I had my doubts if it's Hina or Aru. So I went with because I would say she has a necktie here and Hina doesn't have one. Furr trim also is more relaxed like the Aru one. I'm not completly sure and since some people (for example you) have doubts I'm adding check_character tag.

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    bngyialtc said:

    Well I had my doubts if it's Hina or Aru. So I went with because I would say she has a necktie here and Hina doesn't have one. Furr trim also is more relaxed like the Aru one. I'm not completly sure and since some people (for example you) have doubts I'm adding check_character tag.

    That is obviously Hina. Not only is this a clear reference to Vol. 3 Chapter 3 where both Hina and Sena saved Sensei after he was shot by Saori, even the halo is very clearly Hina's (albeit smaller).

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    Fhtagn said:

    That is obviously Hina. Not only is this a clear reference to Vol. 3 Chapter 3 where both Hina and Sena saved Sensei after he was shot by Saori, even the halo is very clearly Hina's (albeit smaller).

    Well like I said I wasn’t sure. If other people are confident then that’s why we have the possibility of editing tags. Looking back on this subject tbh I should recognize Hina by the forehead lol.

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