Nikke minigame, huh? relatable. we've only about a week in, and I've basically complete all the minigame mission. my fish collection in island adventure is already 100%. and Aegis the Diver is completely done too.
I thought only Shinigami and their boats didn't sink, Eiki seems to be on the border of whatever is under the surface of the water, and the border of death and life.
You can see how much of a close freinds they are by dwarf not breaking his knees with a hammer in response to height joke and instead responding in kind.
You can see how much of a close freinds they are by dwarf not breaking his knees with a hammer in response to height joke and instead responding in kind.
I don't think that's a height joke. The "top shelf" of a bar is usually where they keep the most expensive drinks. The dwarf can't pay his rent because he spends all his money on pricy booze.
I don't think that's a height joke. The "top shelf" of a bar is usually where they keep the most expensive drinks. The dwarf can't pay his rent because he spends all his money on pricy booze.
Yeah, it's called a double entendre. Dwarf even responds in the same manner.
Yeah, it's probably not. Have you noticed this character to be the type to make jokes? He's deathly serious about everything.
Not really, mainly about relationships.
Well, if you don't see the joke in "don't drink from TOP shelf" "that's LOW blow" in the same panel when talking to a, maybe watch "Batman and Robin", i heard puns are great in that movie :)