I noticed it applied the wrong toddler tag, since the post is rated questionable I changed it to more likely the right tag.
I noticed it applied the wrong toddler tag, since the post is rated questionable I changed it to more likely the right tag.
Kal'tsit giving cold stare.
So true...
If you told me Guin Guin doesn't own a cat, I'd call you a liar.
Steak said:
If you told me Guin Guin doesn't own a cat, I'd call you a liar.
the cat own Guin Guin most likely
Sick and decaffeinated the most horrible combination
"Staring intensely at someone is a feline sign of affection"
She may be sick and on caffeine withdrawal, but she is still a cat.
someone bootleg your post.
muhammad932 said:
someone bootleg your post.
The artist isn't likely to be on Danbooru, so you're better off contacting them through their Twitter.
Also I was not expecting the N-word from that link.
Everybody always forgets Dry Leaf Dane.
Now this just reminds me of Vash and Knives from Trigun a good brother(Vash/ichigo) and a bad brother (knives/white ichigo)
Independencecomic said:
Now this just reminds me of Vash and Knives from Trigun a good brother(Vash/ichigo) and a bad brother (knives/white ichigo)
White isn't bad, he's just misunderstood.
bunkhead said:
True true, it just felt like a cool comparison ^^
aerau_01 said:
that's a bit weird, priority ships are usually blueprints only right? Halford was actually finished and saw service in the configuration depicted
Woozle said:
that's a bit weird, priority ships are usually blueprints only right? Halford was actually finished and saw service in the configuration depicted
The Halford was outfitted with a catapult meant to launch scout planes, but was deemed unfeasible before she was converted into a standard DD.
The WoWS version, which this one is based off, basically asked "but what if it works?". In simple terms, she's a fanfic version of a real ship.
Valentine322 said:
The Halford was outfitted with a catapult meant to launch scout planes, but was deemed unfeasible before she was converted into a standard DD.
The WoWS version, which this one is based off, basically asked "but what if it works?". In simple terms, she's a fanfic version of a real ship.
Then there's Tromp just casually directing parabomb squadrons and lobbing torpedoes
Valentine322 said:
The Halford was outfitted with a catapult meant to launch scout planes, but was deemed unfeasible before she was converted into a standard DD.
The WoWS version, which this one is based off, basically asked "but what if it works?". In simple terms, she's a fanfic version of a real ship.
USS Steven, Halford's sister actually launched a plane on an operational mission, while Halford was only on sea trials in this configuration, the concept worked but it wasn't deemed necessary what with the sheer amount of carriers we had on stocks. Honestly I'd rather have seen either one as an event ship and something more silly for this PR slot, the problem is the US simply lacks truly silly blueprint ships, if only world of warships implemented some of the ridiculous US WW1 or interwar designs like the Tillmans or the S-584-166 submersible 8" cruiser.
This is referencing the absurd crash from the very end of Formula E's debut race, the 2014 Beijing E-Prix. Nicolas Prost scored pole for Renault at the event and remained in first position until the final lap, at which point Nick Heidfield (who had worked his way up from 8th) made a pass for the lead in his Venturi. Prost practically rammed Heidfield as they were side by side, which sent the Venturi skidding into a sausage curb that launched it into the air, while also damaging his own Renault into immobility - ultimately allowing Lucas di Grassi's third place Audi to slip into the lead and claim FE's maiden victory.
The clip can be seen on YouTube here - everyone walked away unharmed from the incident, but it's still a pretty gnarly crash so be warned. It starts off with the incident itself, and then does a replay from Prost's POV at 1:53.
Ouch, my Heart.:cry:
Page from the artist's website that lists most if not all the characters here https://w.atwiki.jp/ngnote/pages/16.html
RNGCombo said:
Gotta wonder how the keiba world will be shaken up when you get people going into horse ownership because of the game or make decisions regarding their successful younger horses with that influence.
I'm sure the requirements from the JRA will deter many from doing so... else they go with NAR instead :DogeKek:
RNGCombo said:
Gotta wonder how the keiba world will be shaken up when you get people going into horse ownership because of the game or make decisions regarding their successful younger horses with that influence.
xSauriaNx said:
I'm sure the requirements from the JRA will deter many from doing so... else they go with NAR instead :DogeKek:
Uma Pyoi, Pakupakudesuwa (sired by Isla Bonita AKA "We Have Eclair at Home"), AGEMASEN, Bitter Glace, etc.
Though admittedly most of them got shunted to NAR after not being able to win in JRA.
NNescio said:
Next up:
"Oh, Kitasan, Duramente had a kid with Sweepy too."
"Duramente also had a kid with YOUR MOM."
"And you banged Chevacchi's mom in the process"
NNescio said:
Uma Pyoi, Pakupakudesuwa (sired by Isla Bonita AKA "We Have Eclair at Home"), AGEMASEN, Bitter Glace, etc.
Though admittedly most of them got shunted to NAR after not being able to win in JRA.
Then there's Obey Your Master whose owner outright admitted that it was his daughter liking Cinderella Gray that convinced him to become a racehorse owner IIRC.
Kinda funny that Sweep and Kita's child is one of the most unsuccessful of all Kitasan's spawn and never heard again in racing too.
T34-38 said:
Kinda funny that Sweep and Kita's child is one of the most unsuccessful of all Kitasan's spawn and never heard again in racing too.
She debuted way too late to make it to the classics properly IIRC, and never scored a win before she was retired to become a broodmare.
Jnglmpera said:
She debuted way too late to make it to the classics properly IIRC, and never scored a win before she was retired to become a broodmare.
same with the foal of McQueen and Ikuno. For those two who was shipped hard due to Take-san, their daughter wasn't that accomplished.