At the middle panel, it SOUNDS like Chime is calling the Commander a "kisama", a derogatory, like "that bastard!" But the punchline is that it is not what she meant.
The Sessho-Seki, a famous stone in Japan thought to contain the vengeful spirit of Tamamo-No-Mae, was found broken in half with its talisman rope also snapped.
I was expecting the Fate/Grand_Order group would make artwork about their Tamamo-No-Mae than naga u did.
Oh good, 2022 is starting off strong. War in Ukraine and loose yokai. Here I thought the food riots were going to be the only interesting thing this year.
This looks less like an airplane and more like a cruise ship to be honest.
It seems Servachok only posts the little stories in Russian to his illustrations on Pixiv, so this one didn't have it. I brought it over, and it does seem he's talking about a ferry (and not an airplane). It's not a slice-of-life dialogue this time, and is short and metaphorical though, so who knows if that's what's meant to be depicted literally.
If it's a plane, it's small (like a business jet) and it's not clear if there's any ground clearance. If there is it's low to the ground. It's blurry though so it's hard to tell. If there isn't any a boat makes much more sense. However, I'm not sure I've ever seen a boat with that kind of small doorway and short steep stairs like that for a gangway. It seems a little odd to park a car that close to either one.
I think this might actually be gameplay mechanics?
I think the joke is that rather than singing normally, she’s effectively using Roar Of Time. So the dragons can’t take it well - it’s a super-effective attack - but mama is normal type, and less affected.
Oh yeah, the Ronald McDonald characters used to be a thing, didn't they?
As I recall, McDonald's had to prune several characters from the roster after they got sued for ripping off H.R. Pufnstuf. Not sure why they stopped using the rest of the characters in their playgrounds and advertising, but I'd guess that someone in marketing decided that costumed fast food mascots aren't cool enough for today's youth.
It's like McDonalds's is not a place "only" for kids anymore, but for the office workers with no time to eat. And why even spend money on decoration nowadays, when every consumer will be glued to their phones anyway. XD
Not sure why they stopped using the rest of the characters in their playgrounds and advertising, but I'd guess that someone in marketing decided that costumed fast food mascots aren't cool enough for today's youth.
A large part of this is that over the past 20 years, public opinion and even the laws of several countries have turned against marketing fast food to children. It's not quite at the point where continuing to use these characters would be illegal (at least, I don't think it is), but a lot of places are seeing the writing on the wall and quietly shoving anything overtly kid-oriented under the rug.