


Cliff_Edge said:

Pool context: this stream which is still ongoing as of the time of this upload and my comment.

Do we have a tag for when an artist intentionally misspells a word? (as in it's not a typo) Because that tag applies here; the artist was transcribing Fuwawa's spelling mistake.

Closest I can think of is engrish text. Think I should bounce the idea around in the forum?

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    Cliff_Edge said:

    Pool context: this stream which is still ongoing as of the time of this upload and my comment.

    Do we have a tag for when an artist intentionally misspells a word? (as in it's not a typo) Because that tag applies here; the artist was transcribing Fuwawa's spelling mistake.

    Thanks for adding the pool context since I entirely forgot to do so last night. The artist put the piece on twitter about an hour of it happening.

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    Frawnkenstein said:

    I didn't know that this shade of color actually still falls under "purple." Does it have a specific name?

    So from my initial impression, the closest colors I picked up were bluish shades of "imperial purple" or "royal violet/indigo", which I saw as a possible nod towards the cultivation and production of "Tyrian purple" in Mogador.

    After taking another look at her art, I see that the blue portion of the Tricolore motifs on her uniform appears to be a similar (albeit darker) shade as the rest of the top, which at that point it would probably be fair for it to be somewhat "midnight blue" or darker shades of "royal blue".

    Personally, I see it more on the purple/violet/indigo spectrum. Bluish shades of Tyrian purple and darker shades of what we would call royal blue were being made at the time as well, so it's still up there.


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    I’m wondering if there should be a designated “queen_dizzy” tag to help differentiate her new Strive design? Notably the website/trailer list her as Queen Dizzy + Dizzy’s XRD design already does appear in Strive’s story and DLC story. Because of this a lot of uploads of Guilty Gear Strive have Dizzy’s XRD design as well. So even using specific copyrights won’t help distinguish the two designs for searching. Order-Sol has a tag so it would be sorta akin to that?

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