post #9000000 GET!



NNescio said:

Customers ordering katsudon at Cafe Manhattan is a running gag among various artists by this point. This one comes with a happy twist tho.

To be fair, Gorou would be the kind of person that wouldn't miss a beat on ordering whatever specialty a given store has to offer.

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    The same reason why your sweethearts Tachyon and Kitasan are in the same school despite the latter being born three years after the former died. Duh.

    NNescio said:

    Too much Shinko is bad for your health.

    Now I have that Ice Cube song stuck in my head :sweat_smile:

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    NNescio said:

    Too much Shinko is bad for your health.

    When you become a musume, the powers that be make your past life chronology 100% irrelevant. It's only what you did and especially who you got with that matter, never the whens. Surprised that it's so hard for musume otaku to remember this.

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    RNGCombo said:

    When you become a musume, the powers that be make your past life chronology 100% irrelevant. It's only what you did and especially who you got with that matter, never the whens. Surprised that it's so hard for musume otaku to remember this.

    You should also take that to pretty much every pairing in that universe that isn't Shakur x Fine. Or Studio Kai and Cygames Pictures whose Uma adaptations are more or less faithful recreations of the IRL races.

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    Prokopetz said:

    I have no particular stance on whether estrogen would have saved Shinji, but I'm looking at it from the family dynamic angle, and... well, Jesus Christ. On a good day, Shinji already looks like a teenage soft butch version of Yui Ikari – can you imagine how Gendo would react to his "son" slowly morphing into his dead wife?

    Akozaki said:

    Asuka remarks that "y'know, now that the hormones are starting to kick in, you look an awful lot like Rei" and from there, accidentally unravels the entire plot within minutes.

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    greenwind said:

    Right. What’s actually bad about this?

    90% of Touhou is headcanon/imagination so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this. It’s not hurting anyone, it’s not fantasizing about hurting anyone, it’s not morally wrong.

    This is fine. This image gets a thumbs up 👍

    greenwind said:

    Right. What’s actually bad about this?

    90% of Touhou is headcanon/imagination so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this. It’s not hurting anyone, it’s not fantasizing about hurting anyone, it’s not morally wrong.

    This is fine. This image gets a thumbs up 👍

    Hakurei Reimu isn't black.

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