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Funny enough, the blue color of the shell Intrepid is holding actually signifies it's an inert practice shell. The USN colored nuclear shells white, but the Japanese used white color to mean Armor Piercing, so using the correct color would just confuse a Japanese audience.

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    I can totally see every Nun helping Clumsy with the animal rescue operation sooner or later. They are all Disney Princesses at the end of the day.

    Cookie has a very cook Head- and Neckwarmer. Froggy looks after her Ostrich very well.

    Looks like the snowman was the victim of a "THIS IS SPARTA" attack.

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    Kumihou said:

    Sensei will suddenly wake up one day, to find out he's been inserted into over 100 different marriage registrations

    Inserted is probably unnecessary effort. He probably should be reading the documents they've been giving him to sign for "work."

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