post #9000000 GET!



Prokopetz said:

I have no particular stance on whether estrogen would have saved Shinji, but I'm looking at it from the family dynamic angle, and... well, Jesus Christ. On a good day, Shinji already looks like a teenage soft butch version of Yui Ikari – can you imagine how Gendo would react to his "son" slowly morphing into his dead wife?

Akozaki said:

Asuka remarks that "y'know, now that the hormones are starting to kick in, you look an awful lot like Rei" and from there, accidentally unravels the entire plot within minutes.

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    greenwind said:

    Right. What’s actually bad about this?

    90% of Touhou is headcanon/imagination so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this. It’s not hurting anyone, it’s not fantasizing about hurting anyone, it’s not morally wrong.

    This is fine. This image gets a thumbs up 👍

    greenwind said:

    Right. What’s actually bad about this?

    90% of Touhou is headcanon/imagination so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this. It’s not hurting anyone, it’s not fantasizing about hurting anyone, it’s not morally wrong.

    This is fine. This image gets a thumbs up 👍

    Hakurei Reimu isn't black.

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    sabitafukku said:

    no news on EN release

    Cygames needs to have 100% unbreakable assurance from the EN fanbase that if they get a global release they'll be happy with whatever kind of treatment they are given and will become the perfect white knights. At least for the first year or so.

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    RNGCombo said:

    Cygames needs to have 100% unbreakable assurance from the EN fanbase that if they get a global release they'll be happy with whatever kind of treatment they are given and will become the perfect white knights. At least for the first year or so.

    As long as Cygames actually communicates and interacts with their global crowd, something most every other Global release that continues to be successful has done, they have nothing worry about. Both parties have responsibilities if we want a successful launch. Besides, from what I've seen the EN Uma community is a far cry from the toxic Hoyo crowd or the gooning Blue Archive fandom.

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    Not sure how Chrono'd be able to bet on the WIN5 considering A) uma races aren't gambling and B) even if they did they'd probably follow the real life rule of not being able to bet on their own branch of gambling... Or any URA races in any form for that matter.

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    Jnglmpera said:

    Not sure how Chrono'd be able to bet on the WIN5 considering A) uma races aren't gambling and B) even if they did they'd probably follow the real life rule of not being able to bet on their own branch of gambling... Or any URA races in any form for that matter.

    Pretty sure the guessing game still exist. Gambling or no gambling, people still can't stop trying to predict who is gonna win or not.

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    Jnglmpera said:

    Not sure how Chrono'd be able to bet on the WIN5 considering A) uma races aren't gambling and B) even if they did they'd probably follow the real life rule of not being able to bet on their own branch of gambling... Or any URA races in any form for that matter.

    backdoor or underground betting can exist... heck I'm sure they have analysts and commentators in their television programs that does predictions on races too.

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    Jnglmpera said:

    Not sure how Chrono'd be able to bet on the WIN5 considering A) uma races aren't gambling and B) even if they did they'd probably follow the real life rule of not being able to bet on their own branch of gambling... Or any URA races in any form for that matter.

    If gameplay mechanics are any representation of a horsegirl's actual life, gambling is the very lifeforce of an umamusume. The only difference is which one of them officially gains or loses money from it somehow.

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