Trait connection: These are all robots created by Dr. Light. The vast majority of robots/Robot Masters fought in Mega Man (Classic) are created (or stolen) by Dr. Wily. While all of the characters here can be said to be from two games (Mega Man: Powered Up/Mega Man 9), that would cancel out by the presence of Proto Man and X. Thus, every character in this post, besides Thomas himself, share the same creator.
Someone please check the translation for guy Matama's name. I translated it to Shinju, though I'm not too sure if that's correct. Besides, it's written as ็็ , while Matama's name is written as ็็.
Edit: Okay, turns out I got it wrong. The souce I got for Matama's name did a typo and put ็็ instead of ็็ .