


Jemnite said:

Looks like some futuristic variant of the AK-74M, the PKM, and the WA200.

Don't look like them. More like some QBZ-191 mixed with G36, H&K MG4/5 and some fictional variant of G11.


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    abyss_kaiser said:

    Aren't the dragon girls Gwynevere's kids?

    Yorshka specifically said that Gwyndolin was her brother in Dark Souls 3. We don't know the lineage of Priscilla, but it's probably a safe bet to say she's also of Gwyn's lineage of Yorshka is too.

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    Maria_Usagi said:

    Yorshka specifically said that Gwyndolin was her brother in Dark Souls 3. We don't know the lineage of Priscilla, but it's probably a safe bet to say she's also of Gwyn's lineage of Yorshka is too.

    Gwyndolin, Yorshka, and Painter are all Priscilla's kids, though the latter two were with a crazy fire guy.

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    Nitroxyde said:

    You'd think there would be stakes and losses in a story about war based on actual ships that actually sunk.

    The especially painful part is: it seemed that way at first. It was never hinted at that ships that sunk weren't permanently dead until Rondo at Rainbow's End, about 4 years after the series began.


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    CrystalLeaf said:

    The especially painful part is: it seemed that way at first. It was never hinted at beforehand that ships that sunk weren't permanently dead until Rondo at Rainbow's End, about 4 years after the series began.

    Yeah it was still interesting for a long while. But the Type II and recent soul fusion (for Amagi and Kaga) and outright resurrection of Musashi in Ode of Everblooming Crimson (+ the magical cancellation of Metamorphosis for some ships) was just way too much and completely killed what little interest the story still had. Now every time something seems semi-serious, you already know exactly how it's gonna end because everything is so one-dimensional.
    Can't wait to see what new bs they'll conjure for Lexington.
    Not to mention Deus Ex Helena who is literally God at this point and can do anything and everything out of thin air.

    I have way more fun reading Opsi files nowadays. Too bad they're so few and far between.

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    Nitroxyde said:

    Would have added interesting depth to the story. Sadly, they chose the mellow one-dimensional story where nobody can die, or stay dead. You'd think there would be stakes and losses in a story about war based on actual ships that actually sunk.

    Good art though.

    I know right. I can only imagine a world where they took their story seriously. It could have been powerful, and even a tear jerker if they did it right. Northampton having Hornet die in her arms just as she was trying to save her.

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    Acerolacola said:

    I know right. I can only imagine a world where they took their story seriously. It could have been powerful, and even a tear jerker if they did it right. Northampton having Hornet die in her arms just as she was trying to save her.

    Manjuu actually commissioned art that would've depicted that (post #4564678), and it most likely would've appeared in Chapter 5 of the campaign (Chapter 5-3 is even called "Hornet's Fall"). But the campaign's story ends at Chapter 3, after Yorktown's sinking.


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