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taishiki said:
i thought it was always written as Reimu Hakurei but read as Hakurei Reimu == since Reimu is her First name after all

Asia simply has a different name system. Let's take a Westerner named "John Doe" as an example, who has a daughter named "Jane Doe."
"John" and "Jane" are their given names, while "Doe" is the family name. I would assume this comes from shortening "John of the Doe clan."

In Asia, however, family was/is held with higher regard than personal importance. As such, the given name comes after the family name; "Doe John" and his daughter "Doe Jane." This is also perpetuated by their language; Fujiwara no Mokou = "Mokou of the Fujiwara clan."

Having an Asian username, I'd assume you know that, but...I had time and felt like typing something that might be useful to someone. =P

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    H_A_Change said:

    Tagged "character request" for the person between Matoi and pistoles.
    (if it is no one sorry for the tag)

    Apparently it's the SMeriweatherr in the commentary. That twitter account no longer exists, but it did in 2022 so we can identify the person as "Sonny Meriweather". She's the cosplayer whose 2018 photo started the grill la grill meme, which is also referenced in Ryuko's hat here.

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