I think the first line should probably be past tense, not present tense, and "canceled sending it" is probably supposed to be "regretted sending it" because it doesn't make any sense for him to save something she never sent in the first place.
This aircraft is an amalgamation design features found on F-5, MiG-23, MiG-25 and F-18 Hornet. Tagging as fictional aircraft as it isn't close to either.
The airplane sort of looks like the F-18 Hornet, but I would like a confirmation on that.
Its either a F/A-18F or EA-18G, leaning more toward a 18F since its carrying ordnance, tagged as such The SPAAG driver is wielding a Mini Uzi with a folding stock, have no idea which guns the other girl is holding.
The helicopter is a Kaman K-MAX. The girl in the foreground is holding a Calico M100. Her slung weapon is some kind of AR-15 variant, not sure which one.
Sparrows and Sidewinders here show a blue band marking them as having and inert warhead i.e. being training missiles, tagging as artistic error because of this.