The irony is that Eternity is the only one whose source species has a proboscis, and thus actually would make sense to have a long tongue when anthropomorphised.
In Bagpipe's new skin, there is a scarecrow with Horn's features, so this pic referencing that too
no, that's definetly Archetto. Because this is a joke about Mlynar and Archetto events have them posing in a wheat field like this. Check out "An Obscure Wanderer" for Mlynar standing in the middle of the field and "Beyond Here" for Archetto who has a red cape and carrying some of the wheat in her arms, like this one in the pic here. I also remember seeing a joke image of bagpipe shooing away Archetto and Mlynar from posing in the fields because of field work, which is funny.
But anyway, making a stink about it because Archetto isn't tagged here.