post #9000000 GET!



It was obvious where this was headed the moment they announced this. I do wonder if they will make more of these life sized plush for other Poke-waifus.

I can imagine Lopunny would be a highly anticipated one. Especially if they also made a mega Lopunny variant with those lewd tights.


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    Monki said:

    It was obvious where this was headed the moment they announced this. I do wonder if they will make more of these life sized plush for other Poke-waifus.

    I can imagine Lopunny would be a highly anticipated one. Especially if they also made a mega Lopunny variant with those lewd tights.

    So, you're telling me a guy dressed as the Joker is going to upload a very disturbing video in a near future?

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    Myrokratios said:

    What a pointless controversy and lack of a backbone can lead to... Becoming a bland replacement is going to taint Neru, at least for me.

    Can't agree on Neru being a bland replacement but can agree on the sensitive keyboard warriors being cancer. Screw them for what they did to the original.

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