Well, as nice as it's to be a Hikikomori, that's only the natural consequence of being one, to be replaced. If we get another Comiket Event, she should be able to show up.
Referencing an old photo of Elon Musk dressed like the Marquis de Sade. A lot of versions of that photo are really artifacted, which is probably why the artist crunched this one up.
Funny enough, the blue color of the shell Intrepid is holding actually signifies it's an inert practice shell. The USN colored nuclear shells white, but the Japanese used white color to mean Armor Piercing, so using the correct color would just confuse a Japanese audience.
Actually, Fubuki is wearing Freedom Gundam's wing. The different are Strike Freedom Gundam's wing can be detach as eight beam gunpods while Freedom Gundam's wing can't be detach as gunpods and have only two beam cannon hide at the back of the wing.
It's why the Valkyrie (hey) got removed from the SC2 game.
They couldn't hit anything in SC1 either but the devs didn't care about the explosion graphics actually being on the target so it just sweeps damage in the entire AoE. Of course, modern Blizzard polish cannot tolerate anything like that so out it goes.