Rarity: *4 Memoria Type: Active Ability: Chance to Anti-Counter [IX] & Attack UP [VI] on Self for 3 turns (cooldown 7 turns) Max Limit Break Ability: Chance to Anti-Counter [XII] & Attack UP [VII] on Self for 3 turns (cooldown 6 turns) Description (JP): 静海このはは頭脳明晰、冷静沈着でいつも大人な振る舞いの頼れる存在 …と思われがちだけど、脆い所もあれば天然な所もある そして、時には道を間違え、自分を責めることもある それでも彼女は立ち上がる…明日も3人で生き抜くために! Description (ENG): You may think Konoha Shizumi is always so cool, calm and collected but there are actually more fragile parts to her character. When she makes a mistake, she's the first one to blame herself. But that doesn't stop her... She will stand again, our trio will survive another day!
Small Mari will finally be put to justice for her crimes of being the cutest thing in the universe! Okay but no one tell them where she is because she must also be protected AT ALL COSTS!
Yeah... this is how I felt with the Natlan characters. It feels like Pay to win in Natlan region, but it's not since they're creatures to control as alternative.
There are various Saurianss creatures you can use, but they are cumbersome to use and not always available. But characters with specific mechanics like that are not too fair, I'd agree with Lumine.
I wonder if Pyro Traveler -- when we get them, of course -- will have whatever traversal mechanic they give the Pyro Saurian variety, making the no-Pyro-Traveler-yet thing mechanically due to the lack of such existing at present, atop the story/thematic reasons.
I wonder if Pyro Traveler -- when we get them, of course -- will have whatever traversal mechanic they give the Pyro Saurian variety, making the no-Pyro-Traveler-yet thing mechanically due to the lack of such existing at present, atop the story/thematic reasons.
Story-wise, I anticipate the Traveler will resonate with Pyro after receiving an Ancient Name and then dying in battle. They would then be resurrected and resonate with Pyro as a result.
So the passports from post #8063674 turned out to all be legit, and the charges of fraud, tax evasion, and excess-of-3.4 oz liquids all turned out to be a mistake after all.