post #9000000 GET!



Weebson said:

it seems its a no brainer Tokiyuki will take Shizuku as a wife... sad Tokiyuki's story would end in 1353


he will be beheaded by the Ashikaga in 20th May of 1353 after beeing beaten by Ashikaga forces in Kozuke province (today Gunma prefecture)... unless author will make him live or does other plot magic


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    I genuinely don't understand sometimes what criteria is used.
    an image that has the same quality that the artist offers us always, nope
    the same image but with text in the center, Fine!
    no feedback? none, just guess, Sometimes I even feel it is deliberate just to add more deleted posts to my deleted count and never reach the infinite uploads.
    I'm not accusing anyone, but that's the feeling this leaves me with.

    Or what do I know! maybe I am blind and just that particular version has a huge mistake that prevents it from being approved and I just don't see it and need someone to point it out.

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