


Kidoe1226 said:

Okay her ears are technically a part of her body she can technically move them but I think it should add to her height just being devil's advocate here

Nah, I like tiny fox girl better.

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    Seems like players of newer gachas always expect every fully designed character who appears in a gacha to eventually be playable. For me I really feel like the most significant characters like faction admins should stay in the background and never be implemented, otherwise they lose their feeling of prestige.

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    screamrita said:
    Linking Sanae's fun into exterminating youkai with our own fun into beating them... this artist is a freakin' genius.

    I wonder if the critics of this author's writing may be angered because the message hit too close to home...

    DocAstaroth said:
    I just recently heard that Shimadoiru will have a TRPG session with Nasu Kinoko, Gen Urobuchi and Ryohgo Narita (more infos here:

    Seeing this doujinshi here makes me VERY afraid, how this will turn out...

    Best part? Shimadoriru's playing THE CLERIC.

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    Neo_X said:
    Even so, it's kinda weird that there's no fight between shou and sanae

    they showed the aftermath of her dying with unzan, they kind of skip the fight with musara too, just showing the begging and end. At first sanae didn't think too much about the dangers, but once she took out her first youkai, bullied the second, and cheated death on the third, all youkai just started to look alike.

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