post #9000000 GET!



I have been waiting so long to find a clean version of this art and I discovered this artist's profile after the Sanhua art posted earlier without realising they were the same artist. Goddamn, my man absolutely rocks that outfit. Please be playable one day.

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    It wasn't that long after Megatron and those who joined him in the rebellion had been banished by the newly christened Optimus Prime. Everyone was still getting their bearings after the defeat and Megatron secluded himself for a moment to calm his transistors. The day's events played in his mind at a rapid pace, all the decisions he made whirling about in his head. But all the while his once best friend's visage lingered on. And he remembered a conversation he once had... a time when, everything seemed so much more simply. A time he replayed every few minutes. A time he wished he could have back. And a time he knew he could never have again.""And if I so happen to fall, I hope you're right there to catch me."Such words echoed in his head and his spark. Such words held so much meaning and yet were completely meaningless now. Such words... had no place in the new world he was creating."Delete." he breathed, watching as the recording fizzled about for a time before sparking out of existence forever.

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    Kind of weird to even think about Fencers flying high enough to utilize swept-back configuration. Given the amount of effort it requires to maintain one I wouldn't be surprised if Ukrainians have permanently affixed them spread-out

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    Myony said:

    Can spiral power be used to undoom someone from the narrative?

    It could have, though Simon was worried that if they did it could lead to abuse of the power, which is why he didn't do it.

    (Though his friends probably would have given him a pass for Nia considering just how much he sacrificed to save her and protect the universe)

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    batatinhadoce1 said:

    Medea : Are you my master?
    *Proceeds to die for Lancer*

    If you look closely, Shirou has no dried blood stains on his uniform, meaning he may not have summoned Medea after having been stabbed by a spandex bodysuit wearing Irish hero.

    Though it still seems to be an accidental summoning.

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    warellis said:

    If you look closely, Shirou has no dried blood stains on his uniform, meaning he may not have summoned Medea after having been stabbed by a spandex bodysuit wearing Irish hero.

    Though it still seems to be an accidental summoning.

    Finally someone noticed

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    fsnfanboy said:

    For context: Shizuka's original voice actress, Michiko Nomura, is currently the only one still alive of the five original Doraemon cast after the recent death of Doraemon's original voice actress, Nobuyo Ōyama.

    honestly this info broke my heart

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