Didn't the real Gimlet get caught in the act the other day? The AAR tweet by his caretaker had a picture of him being smug because of course he's proud of it.
And now for another insect trivia! You can find cicadas lying on their back at the end of summer, but there's two kinds of them: the ones really dead, and the ones playing dead. Japanese called the latter 'semi bakudan' or literally translated as 'cicada bomb' because if you tried to pick them up, they will end up surprising you with their buzz and 'piss', and you can tell the difference between the two by looking at their legs position: if their legs are splayed open, it means they're alive and got into sleep-like state from either exhaustion or the lowering temperature, but ones with curled up legs will be most commonly already died.
And now for another insect trivia! You can find cicadas lying on their back at the end of summer, but there's two kinds of them: the ones really dead, and the ones playing dead. Japanese called the latter 'semi bakudan' or literally translated as 'cicada bomb' because if you tried to pick them up, they will end up surprising you with their buzz and 'piss', and you can tell the difference between the two by looking at their legs position: if their legs are splayed open, it means they're alive and got into sleep-like state from either exhaustion or the lowering temperature, but ones with curled up legs will be most commonly already died.