post #9000000 GET!



Brucelee41126 said:

Considering they're lifetime war buddies and probably one of the oldest operators Kal has to vent to...

Kal probably knows what should and shouldn't kill the crazy vampire anyway. She's fine.

Also, she's a masochist here.

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    Part of me was hoping for some kind of Looney Tunes style gag were right after Kal shows War the door,,,er window she turns around only to find War back in the room with them ready to troll some more.

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    Monki said:

    Part of me was hoping for some kind of Looney Tunes style gag were right after Kal shows War the door,,,er window she turns around only to find War back in the room with them ready to troll some more.

    Popping up out of nowhere is Red's area of expertise.

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    It was obvious where this was headed the moment they announced this. I do wonder if they will make more of these life sized plush for other Poke-waifus.

    I can imagine Lopunny would be a highly anticipated one. Especially if they also made a mega Lopunny variant with those lewd tights.


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    Monki said:

    It was obvious where this was headed the moment they announced this. I do wonder if they will make more of these life sized plush for other Poke-waifus.

    I can imagine Lopunny would be a highly anticipated one. Especially if they also made a mega Lopunny variant with those lewd tights.

    So, you're telling me a guy dressed as the Joker is going to upload a very disturbing video in a near future?

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