


Jemnite said:

Looks like some futuristic variant of the AK-74M, the PKM, and the WA200.

Don't look like them. More like some QBZ-191 mixed with G36, H&K MG4/5 and some fictional variant of G11.


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    abyss_kaiser said:

    Aren't the dragon girls Gwynevere's kids?

    Yorshka specifically said that Gwyndolin was her brother in Dark Souls 3. We don't know the lineage of Priscilla, but it's probably a safe bet to say she's also of Gwyn's lineage of Yorshka is too.

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    Maria_Usagi said:

    Yorshka specifically said that Gwyndolin was her brother in Dark Souls 3. We don't know the lineage of Priscilla, but it's probably a safe bet to say she's also of Gwyn's lineage of Yorshka is too.

    Gwyndolin, Yorshka, and Painter are all Priscilla's kids, though the latter two were with a crazy fire guy.

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